Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Okay, now what?

Being a second-time-ever blogger, my next question to all you bloggers and/or quilters out there what?
  • I can't figure out how to make my site beautiful. How do you customize your bloggy-place to make it feel like home? Or X-Blocks land as it were.
  • Where do I find people to come visit me? It can be lonely, all by myself.
  • How do I entice you to leave me a message?

Oh dear, I'm all alone in X-Blocks Land.

Signed, the Princess.

First time for everything quilting

There is a first time for everything. . . and this is mine - I'm blogging! I'm a quilter, quilt teacher and also quilt explorer, hoping to contribute something of interest to the blogosphere. For my first foray, I'd like to tell you about Patricia Pepe of Quilt Queen Designs and her X-Blocks.

I met Patricia a few years ago as she taught a New York Beauty quilt class. She was already a prestigious award-winner in the world of quilt competition, and by the next time I saw her, she was an inventor, too. Having just developed a nifty quilt tool, she was understandably excited. "Want my autograph?" she teased as she showed me her X-Blocks rotary cutting square. I took her up on it and that was the beginning of a great friendship.

So just what is the X-Blocks? It's an acrylic square bisected with lots of lines, dots and dashes. It's used to rotary-cut simple, easy-to-piece blocks that, when sewn to each other, create a brand new design that knocks your socks off! Take a look for yourself at While you're there, drop her a line and tell her "princess sent you."
And may all your quilting dreams come true.